What We Believe
Our doctrinal statement
The Bible is the plenary, verbal, inspired Word of God, and it is completely infallible and inerrant. We also believe that the Word of God has been divinely preserved in the King James Version for the English speaking people.
God is a trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and He is the virgin-born Son of God. We believe in His vicarious atonement for the sins of mankind by the shedding of His blood on the cross, that He arose bodily from the tomb, and that He alone has the power to save men from sin.
Salvation is by grace though faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, resulting in a sinner being born again by regeneration of the Holy Spirit.
The Return of Jesus Christ is the “Blessed Hope” of the believer, and it will be the bodily, premillennial, pretribulational coming of our Lord Jesus in the clouds to receive His church.
The Saved will live in eternal splendor with Christ in Heaven.
The Lost will suffer forever in the lake of fire.